Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Mark 4:20 (NKJV)

 But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the Word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.

Luke’s account of the same teaching says this… “But as for that seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word with a good and noble heart, and hold on to it tightly, and bear fruit WITH PATIENCE.” (Luke 8:15 - AMP)

 As we EMBRACE the Word and ‘hold onto it tightly’, it will produce a harvest, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundredfold… in other words, the harvest that we are sowing the Word for may take time to FULLY manifest… we may see things, ‘ever so slightly’ moving in the right direction at first (thirtyfold), then as we patiently persist in sowing the Word, we eventually notice a fairly significant change (sixtyfold), but if we continually, patiently persist in sowing the Word, the day will come when we will experience total victory (one hundredfold harvest).

 We sow the Word for every promise we have been given in the New Covenant in Christ… for healing, for prosperity and provision, for blessed relationships, and for every promised blessing in the Word. Our promises have been given in seed form, and the Word is that seed. As we sow the Word into our hearts, if our hearts are good ground, (hearts that receive and embrace the Word in faith), then there will be a harvest, but the harvest may be progressive… in other words, it may start small and then grow, until it fully manifests.

Let me give you an example… if you are sowing for the finances to purchase your own home, lets say that your mortgage payment will be $4000, 00… so, you find scriptures on provision, you sow the Word into your heart, and keep declaring the Word by faith, claiming your home and the ability to pay the $4000.00 per month… as you do, the Lord then directs you to start sowing $400.00 a month in faith. In three month’s time, you get an increase in your income by $400.00 per month… not nearly enough to pay your $4000 mortgage. Don’t get discouraged… your miracle is in process… keep sowing the Word and following the leading of the Spirit in sowing financially. Now, the Lord leads you to use the $400 increase to rent a better home, and to increase your sowing to $500.00 per month. In three months, you get another $400 dollar increase… then the Spirit leads you to help someone else with their mortgage payment…

Six months later, the owner of the house that you are renting offers you 0% owner financing to buy his house. A supernatural miracle! You can now afford to purchase your own home by the favor of God. Your hundredfold miracle took one year of sowing the Word and finances in faith; the harvest came, but in came first thirtyfold, then sixtyfold, then one hundredfold!

 A small, young tree’s first crop of fruit is way smaller than a fully grown mature tree. Many believers give up in discouragement, just because they do not see an instant one hundredfold harvest. Most hundredfold harvests take patience! It takes continual sowing, watering and ‘holding onto’ the promise with patience. Do not give up… keep sowing the Word, keep watering the seed (by being led by the Spirit), keep holding onto the promise in faith, BE PERSISTENT, and your hundredfold harvest will come; you have God’s WORD on it!

 In His amazing Love, Nick