Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 2 Corinthians 8:9 (TPT)

 For you have experienced THE EXTRAVAGANT GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although He was infinitely rich, He impoverished Himself for our sake, so that by His poverty, we become rich beyond measure. 

The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition says, “For you are becoming progressively acquainted with and recognizing more strongly and clearly THE GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ (His kindness, His gracious generosity, His undeserved favor and spiritual blessing), [in] that though He was [so very] rich, yet for your sakes He became [so very] poor, in order that by His poverty you might become enriched (abundantly supplied).”

 Jesus did not only pay the price on the cross for us to go to heaven one day… He paid the price to destroy sickness, every bondage known to man, as well as poverty and lack… Jesus paid the price for born-again believers under His New Covenant of GRACE to live the abundant life in every facet, including financial abundance… “for you have experienced THE EXTRAVAGANT GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although He was infinitely rich, He impoverished Himself for our sake, so that by His poverty, we become rich beyond measure.”

As believers we receive supernatural financial blessing the same way that we receive divine health, and everything else from the Lord… ‘by grace through faith’. Like everything else we receive in the New Covenant from Jesus, our faith is ‘action faith’ that goes beyond only believing, to ‘doing’.  

Financial abundance is for our personal blessing, as well as for the blessing of our church, our friends, our family and our enterprises… when we are financially blessed we can be a greater blessing to all!  

Some are waiting to have huge amounts of money before operating according to New Covenant financial principles, however, as with everything in God’s kingdom, faithfulness in little leads to faithfulness over much! The Lord is as interested in how the widow handles her ‘mite’, as He is in how the billionaire handles his billions.

God never intended for us to serve the god of mammon, or for money to rule over us… His intention is for us to steward His money in freedom; knowing that EVERYTHING that we have belongs to Him! When we ‘steward’ His money, His way, according to His values, and His Word, as led by the Spirit, then we will enter into the realm of supernatural finances! As long as we think that it is our money that we get to spend our way, we operate under the limitations of the natural, instead of entering the New Covenant realm of financial abundance, which is an unlimited, ‘miracle river’ of supernatural supply!

 I am not going to get into many specifics of stewardship in today’s teaching… I will do that in the upcoming teachings, but today, I believe that the emphasis needs to be on the first step to supernatural finances… letting go, and recognizing that EVERYTHING that you have belongs to the Lord, and that you will be committed to steward His money, His way, under His values, and His priorities, according to His Word! That you will live BY FAITH financially in every aspect of financial stewardship, starting with what you have in your hand!

 Pray this prayer as a first step to financial abundance and supernatural financial freedom… “Jesus, thank You for your extravagant grace, that although You were infinitely rich, You impoverished Yourself on the cross for my sake, so that by your poverty, I may become rich beyond measure… Jesus, I give You everything that I have, my body, my relationships, my career, my ministry and my money… I give it all to You Jesus! I return everything to You Jesus, and I commit to stewarding all that now belongs to You, your way, according to your values, your priorities and your Word, as the Holy Spirit leads! Give me revelation knowledge on New Covenant financial stewardship and set me free from all lies and deception, that would attempt to rob my freedom, in Jesus Name!” 

 In His amazing love, Nick
