
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Hebrews 2:3-4

How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will?

God bears witness to our great salvation with signs and wonders and miracles…

He is a God of miracles! To bear witness is to prove that He is involved in something… when the Lord says “this is My doing!” Sometimes the Lord will wait until all our efforts have been exhausted… after we have prayed, believed and done everything spiritually as well as everything in the natural, and then… when all has been said and done… at that point, He does something supernatural that can only be attributed to Him.

Pre-miracle time is not for the faint hearted… you find yourself in a boat with a hole in it, without a paddle, in the wild rapids of a rushing river heading straight for a thousand-foot waterfall with jagged rocks at the bottom… you have prayed, you have cried out to God, you have tried rowing with your hands, but it seems that the closer to the waterfall that you are getting, the faster you are going… in the wrong direction!

Why does the Lord wait so long… it is not to bring us to the point of a nervous breakdown… God does not play psychological mind games with His children! The reason that He does it is to bear witness to our great salvation with a miracle! Daniel and the Lion’s den, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, the parting of the red sea… all miracles that bear witness to a great God and His great salvation. We love to tell stories of past miracles, but many times we do not think about the time preceding the miracle.

Many of you reading this right now are in the boat that I described and are (in the natural) heading for a waterfall of absolute destruction… how do you position yourself? In short… get in faith, get excited, and get ready for a miracle! This is not the time to panic, this is not the time to go ‘overboard’, this is not the time to speak words of death, or to go smoke something, or drink something… this is the time to stand upon the Word, to pray in the Spirit, and to enter into supernatural rest! How do I do that? You ask the Holy Spirit to give you the supernatural ability!

Stay in faith… your miracle will manifest… expect it, look for it, and get ready to sing a victory song! Our God is a miracle working God!

In His amazing Love, Nick
