
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Exodus 23:19 (NLT)

As you harvest your crops, bring the VERY BEST of the FIRST harvest to the house of the Lord your God.

As we give the Lord our first and our very best, as we prioritize His kingdom and His agenda above all else, everything that we need will pursue us and overtake us… as we prioritize Jesus’ kingdom priorities, whatever we give, or give up will be supernaturally reimbursed one hundred times more in this lifetime…

I want to encourage you, if you are not already doing this, to set aside a devotional time, first thing in the morning each day… pray, worship, receive communion and meditate upon the Word… as you do, ask Jesus, “what assignments do You have for me today? Who can I minister to, who can I bless, who can I reach out to… Lord, I want to be Your hand extended today… what would You have me do?”

As you start your day by focusing on the kingdom of God, you are giving Jesus a firstfruits offering… then as you go through your day, be very sensitive to your kingdom assignments… maybe the person that you are working with that is irritating you, maybe the person that you are the most challenged with… maybe that person is your assignment? Maybe it is the homeless person at the Seven Eleven… maybe it is somebody in your family… let the Holy Spirit direct you… continually be on the lookout… look at life through Jesus’ eyes, and then minister by His power!

As you prioritize Jesus’ kingdom agenda, as you continue to give Jesus and His kingdom your first and your best, you will increase in power, anointing, favor and supernatural ability! As you do this, you will be raised up, your life will change and you will begin to really live your best life now!

In His amazing love, Nick
