Today’s New Covenant nugget is from John 14:12 (TPT)

“I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows Me in faith, believing in Me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these, because I go to be with My Father!

Jesus prophesied that as New Covenant believers, as His followers, that by FAITH, we would do the same mighty miracles that He did, and even greater. Jesus has given every follower of His, miracle working ability, so that they can continue His work here on earth.

Jesus wants to perform miracles through us because He loves people and as people, we all find ourselves in situations where it takes a miracle to overcome whatever we are facing. Our loving Jesus is not willing to look the other way when people are in desperate need, so He has made miracle working power available for us as His followers, to perform in His Name!

How do we do the same mighty miracles that Jesus did and even greater miracles? Jesus promised it, but is it really possible for a believer to operate on that level? Is there a way to unlock the power that Jesus imbedded in us as new creatures in Christ and for us to operate and minister on the level that Jesus describes in John 14:12?

The answer is that, if Jesus said it, we can do it!

As believers we are seated in Heavenly places in Christ and Jesus has equipped us to operate in His Name! He has given us all authority over every work of the enemy as well as authority to reign in this life as kings and priests in Him.

Here are some important factors in ministering miracles to others in Jesus Name…

Jesus said, “I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows Me in faith, believing in Me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with My Father!”

Number one… Jesus said, “The person who ‘FOLLOWS ME’ will do miracles…” Following Jesus implies… following His teachings, following His heart of love, following Him by serving as He served, following Him by walking in the same authority that He did… basically, imitating Him in all things.

Study Jesus in the gospels, study Him ministering through others in the epistles, and then do what He did, how he did it, and with the same heart that He had while doing what He did.

I visualize Jesus smiling, laughing, hugging, embracing and caring for people… I visualize Jesus gently talking to the woman caught in the act of adultery and imparting His love and forgiveness to her… I visualize Him washing Judas’ feet in compassion and love… everything that He did, He did with love, in grace, and in a warm, gentle way with great authority and power. I see these things with the eyes of my imagination, and then I follow Him in them.

Number two… Jesus said, “the person who follows Me IN FAITH, believing IN ME will do mighty miracles…” Following Jesus in faith, believing in Him, is being fully convinced that His Word and His promises are real and that they can be fully relied upon.

Most believers do not believe that they can do what Jesus did, and even greater things… even though Jesus said it, they simply cannot believe it… if they cannot accept this truth, then, how long is the list of things that many Christians do not believe, even though Jesus said it?

Performing miracles in His Name is not for doubters, it is not for skeptics, and it is not for people who want to serve Jesus their own way instead of imitating Him. Jesus wants EVERY believer to do miracles in His Name by His miracle working power, and His ‘dunamus’ miracle working power is ready and waiting for EVERY believer, but we need to make the necessary changes in order to operate in this miracle working power.

Family, this is not hard… it just takes a shift… a shift of priority, perspective and perception… as you align yourself with Jesus and put your trust in Him, miracles will begin to flow.

Just say, “Jesus, I follow You in all of your ways, I will be led by the Spirit in all things, I have faith in You Jesus, I believe in You, and I make a choice to believe your Word, I thank You that your Pentecostal, miracle working power is now released in me to operate through me in your mighty Name!”

Now, go and do! Put wheels onto your spirituality by faith…

James 2:17 says, “Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”


The Passion Translation says, “So then faith that doesn’t involve action is phony.”

‘Faith actions’ ignite the power of God within us. ‘Faith actions’ release miracles and brings them into manifestation.

Imitate Jesus and follow Him in all of your ways, have faith and believe in Him, then STEP OUT OF THE BOAT and walk on water! Do the works of Jesus and even greater works, in Jesus mighty Name!

In His amazing love, Nick
