Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Habakkuk 3:2

O Lord, I have heard Thy speech (Thy Word), and was afraid (and I stand in awe): O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath (in times of trouble) remember mercy

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The Hebrew word translated ‘speech’ is ‘shêma’, or loudly spoken, famous word – the Hebrew word for ‘afraid’ is ‘yârê’ literally meaning ‘reverend awe’, and the Hebrew word for ‘wrath’ is ‘rôgez’ contextually meaning ‘troubling, or crashing times’. In other words, Habakkuk the prophet said, “I stand in awe after hearing your famous, powerful Word! Revive Your works among us in the coming years, make your Word known in these times of trouble where everything is crashing down, and as you do, please remember mercy and grace!”

Have you heard the Word of the Lord… really heard - how amazing and awesome and powerful it is? I love how Habakkuk says “I have heard your Word, and I stand in awe!” Habakkuk had just heard the Word, received an impartation and underwent a transformation by the power of the Word and he was filled with awe and amazement.

Today, as you read His Word, as you continue to meditate upon the message preached in service, as you listen to online sermons and hear the preached Word of God – step out and give God praise for everything He has done.

Let your voice be the one ringing out the praises of God, so that others would hear the Lord through you and would stand in awe of God’s amazing Word and His wonderful works in your life. Preach the Word, share your testimony, speak about His goodness and give Him the praise due His mighty and Holy name – selah

Blessings on you, Esther

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