Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 10:17

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

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To keep your faith on fire, you need to keep receiving the Word. We need to ‘hear’ the Word with a receiving heart – in other words, how we listen is more important than just listening. We need to receive the Word so that it can be planted deep on the inside of us. Remember, Jesus taught about the Word being sown… (Mark 4:14-20) four groups of people were described – they all HEARD the Word, but only the forth group… (one quarter of those who heard the Word) only one quarter of the hearers fully received and embraced it.

Listen with your heart, not only with your ears…

As you study the Word, as you speak the Word, and as the Word is being preached, listen intently with your heart… receive it, plant and let revelation on the received Word spring forth. The revelation of the planted, received Word is the root – revelation anchors the Word in your heart and causes it to go from seed form to a fruit-bearing tree. Without revelation, the Word will have no root and will be plucked away.

The Word that you have heard, embraced and received revelation on will immediately produce unshakable faith. As believers we are not to live by flesh reasoning, by responding to circumstances or by our own ability… we are to live by FAITH. Faith is not determination to trust God, faith is a divine receiver that gets birthed in our hearts when we hear the Word, embrace the Word, plant the Word and receive revelation on that Word.

In these challenging times… spend time in the Word, spend time under anointed preaching and teaching, and as you do… listen intently with your heart – let the anointed Word go deep… embrace it by grace, receive revelation by grace, and as you do, the revelation will grow roots and a faith tree will begin to grow. That faith tree will then receive everything that you will ever need for life and godliness.

Blessings on you, Nick

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