
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 22:28 (AMP)

For the kingship and the kingdom are the Lord’s and He rules over the nations.

Today is a very important day for those of us in the United States of America. The President of the United States as well as many other political leaders will be elected today… if you are a US citizen and if you have not yet voted, I urge you to do so today. This is a very important election.

As believers, we need to be Spirit led in our voting and vote for righteous people who are for biblical principles and values and people who have wisdom to lead… people of integrity who will honor the Lord. The bible says in Proverbs 29:2, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”

As important as it is to vote and to pray for righteous politicians to be voted in, ‘the kingship and the kingdom are the Lord’s and He rules over the nations.’ People vote for political leaders, but the Lord rules and He has made His righteous ones to be kings and priests to reign in this life under Him. (Revelation 1:5-6)

We as believers are the true righteous ones who have been assigned to rule and reign in Christ’s kingdom on earth… so, even though Proverbs 29:2 does include politicians, politicians are very limited… anointed believers under Christ are not limited in the same way.

When you look at Proverbs 29:2 in the light of us ruling and reigning as kings and priests under Jesus, the scripture gets all the more powerful… “When the righteous believers in Christ take their place as kings and priests and use their authority to rule and reign, all of the people of the earth rejoice (both secular and born again); but when they pull back and let the ungodly rule, all of the people groan.”

The bible says that those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. - Romans 5:17

If believers around the world intend to wait for righteous politicians to pave the way for them to live the blessed life, they will wait for eternity. No matter who gets voted in today, take your place as a righteous believer in Christ and begin to use your authority to reign in this life through the One, Jesus Christ! When you do the people will rejoice!

This is our season church… time to rise up!

Blessings on you, Nick
