Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 1 John 4: 1 John 4:8

He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

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Something came up on social media criticizing preachers that always preach on love, love, love, instead of on truth, truth, truth… sadly, that kind of critical, judgmental thinking comes from people who do not know God - He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. The message of agape love and grace is the most powerful message that can ever be preached and it represents the highest truth that exists. Every gift of the Spirit operates by love and in 1 Corinthians 12, agape love is exalted above every other gift of the Spirit.

The love of God includes His grace, His mercy and His power, in fact His agape love is loaded with grace, mercy, peace, power, anointing, authority and much, much more! Acts 14:3 says that Paul and Barnabas spoke boldly in the Lord, Who was bearing witness to ‘the word of His grace’, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. As they ministered and preached about love, love, love and grace, grace, grace the Lord backed up their message granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.

The message of love and grace is in fact being fueled and ignited in a new way by the Lord, for such a time is this! We need to pray for those who are critical of it, but at the same time, we need to be careful not to get drawn into their critical spirit that is sent by the devil to come against what the Lord is doing. His grace is ‘hyper’, it is radical, and it is not balanced with the law and legalism… His love is ‘hyper love’ and unconditional is not balanced with judgment and condemnation… His love and grace leads to holiness and total power over sin and every work of the devil.

Receive a fresh revelation of the agape love of God today and as you receive it, you will grow in dü’nämes power, you will grow in favor and you will be transformed into His image from one degree of glory to the next!

Blessings on you, Nick

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