
Today’s New covenant nugget is from Hebrews 12:15 (TPT)

Watch over each other to make sure that no one misses the revelation of God’s grace. And make sure no one lives with a root of bitterness sprouting within them which will only cause trouble and poison the hearts of many.

A revelation of God’s grace will prevent a root of bitterness from sprouting within! God’s GRACE is UNDESERVED favor, undeserved forgiveness, undeserved mercy, undeserved blessing and undeserved LOVE all mixed together.

Only a true REVELATION of divine GRACE can enable a person to extend such love to undeserving people who have hurt us.

A root of bitterness from past hurts, offenses and pain can cause a lot of trouble if left undealt with and it can spread and poison the hearts of many…

All of us have been hurt… maybe you have been lied about, rejected, betrayed or falsely accused – some hurts have been self inflicted, other hurts have come from people who have either intentionally, or unintentionally hurt us – some hurts are because of offense – some hurts are because of disappointment… the list goes on and on, but the bottom line is, we have all been hurt.

If you do not deal with hurt the New Covenant way, it can fester and turn into bitterness and it can seed destruction in your life and in the lives of many others. Start by asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any hurts that are still affecting your life… for example, a while ago I found myself ‘sharing’ a story of something that someone did to me in the past… the Holy Spirit immediately revealed to me that I was still carrying that past hurt and had not healed, or totally let go of and forgiven the person… you see, if you are still wounded from something, you will probably talk about it… what a person talks about reveals a lot about things in their heart (out of the heart, the mouth speaks). I immediately asked the Holy Spirit to increase my revelation of grace so that I could get rid of the poison of offense towards that person!

A revelation of God’s divine grace is the key… supernatural grace will always birth compassion and love! Supernatural compassion and love will always release an anointing that destroys condemnation, judgment, offense and hurt towards yourself or others.

The solution to all hurt, disappointment, offense, bitterness, or unforgiveness is A REVELATION OF GOD’S GRACE - Selah!

In His amazing love, Nick
