Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Mark 4:24

Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.”

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Let me paraphrase verse 24… ‘Be careful what you listen to, hearing is receiving – so, the more that you listen to something, the more you will receive.’ - In other words, what you listen to goes inside of you, and who you listen to will influence you. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing, and hearing the Word - in the same way deception comes by hearing, and hearing, and hearing error.

Jesus said that we need to be extremely careful about what we allow ourselves to continually hear – it matters who and what you are listening to! Do not allow yourself to sit under teachers (either worldly or Christian) who do not have an understanding of grace in Christ, the New Covenant, Who God is and how He does things, or teachers who do not teach the Word.

There are many Christian leaders with big ministries who spend most of their time teaching about their visions, their dreams and their revelations and do not ever line up what they are saying with the Word in the light of the New Covenant – others take a little of the Old Covenant, a little of the New Covenant, and then come up with their own covenant – others open with a scripture, and then just go on to teach philosophy, or practical common sense living according to their life experience – they do not teach the Word and revelation out of the New Covenant of grace.

To be clear, I love all of my brothers and sisters in the family of God – I honor each and every leader in the body of Christ – I see the diamond in each and every one of them, and I love to receive from the revelation that has been given to them by the Holy Ghost and has been birthed out of the New Covenant – however, I do not continually sit under their teaching… I am very selective… (remember, you will be influenced by what or who you listen to)

Find and seek out teachers, pastors, prophets, evangelists and apostles who are walking in revelation knowledge of the New Covenant in Christ – ministers who understand grace, who know Who God is and how He operates. Seek out leaders who know how to correctly divide the Word of truth, servants of the Most High, who do not teach legalism, dead works, condemnation or mere philosophy – find and seek out Spirit-filled, powerfully anointed, humble people that have been raised up for such a time as this – people who teach and preach the living Word, who bring good news, who preach life, love and grace… people who lift up Jesus, who honor the Father and who follow the leading of the Holy Spirit – take heed to what you hear!

Blessings on you, Nick

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