Today’s devotion is from Isaiah 28:11-12

For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, to whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” and, “This is the refreshing”; yet they would not hear.

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Speaking in tongues does not only impart power for miracles, speaking in tongues releases an anointing of ‘rest’ and ‘refreshing’. Speaking in tongues is the best anti stress medicine that you can take… we know that according to 1 Corinthians 14:2 that we speak to God in a mystery when we speak in toques, but According to Isaiah 28:11, speaking in tongues also includes God speaking to believers… Spirit to spirit – He speaks, ‘rest’ and ‘refreshing’!

As you pray in tongues, the Lord is commanding His angels to pour out buckets of supernatural peace, rest, and refreshing over you… this is the fastest way to ‘enter into His rest’ as He commands in Hebrews 4:11. When Jesus spoke to the storm, He said, “peace be still’ – now, as we speak in tongues, Jesus is saying the same thing, “peace, be still, rest! Be refreshed! Drink of My living waters!” As Jesus speaks this, our stormy seas turn glassy, our stress turns into rest and our weariness turns into joyful refreshing!

As powerful as speaking in tongues is, some will not hear of it…

Isaiah prophesied that God’s people would speak in tongues approximately 750 BC, Jesus commanded it in the great commission, the early church was commanded not to leave Jerusalem until they were filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke with tongues and speaking in tongues has been a vital part of church life in all of church history, yet many still will not hear. Others will hear about it, but will not step out and speak as the Spirit gives utterance!

Take some time to speak in your heavenly language today and be filled with power, be refreshed and be flooded with supernatural rest, in Jesus Name!

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