Today’s devotion is from Psalm 119:11

Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.

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In yesterday’s teaching we talked about writing the Word on the tablets of your heart with your words, using your tongue as a ready writer – today I want to talk about the blessings of having the Word in your heart.

Psalm 119:11 says that the Word in your heart is an antidote to sin. To sin is to miss the mark – The Hebrew word for sin is ‘châṭâ’, meaning, to miss the mark, or to miss the ‘bull’s-eye’ on the target… in other words, sin is not only the things that some consider sin, sinning is getting off track with the will of God for your life. Thank the Lord for His grace, His mercy and His forgiveness! It is important to know that as a born again believer that you are not ‘a sinner’ (noun); you are the righteousness of God in Christ - many righteous believers do however get off track and do ‘sin’ (verb)… this is where having the Word in your heart comes in – The Word in our hearts will keep us one hundred percent on track with God’s agenda for our lives.

When we do not get off track and ‘miss the mark’ it significantly shortens the road to our promise… that is why Romans 12:2 says that [with a renewed mind] we will prove or demonstrate the will of God, in other words, we will walk in God’s promises and in His perfect will. Getting the Word in your heart keeps you from straying. Keeping the Word in your heart keeps you on the pathway of blessing, the pathway of the supernatural and the pathway of life, and life more abundantly. Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You…

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