Today’s devotion is from Hebrews 10:38-39 (TPT)

“My righteous ones will live from my faith. But if fear holds them back, my soul is not content with them!” But we are certainly not those who are held back by fear and perish; we are among those who have faith and experience true life!” 


We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and we live by faith…

As born again New Covenant believers we do not live, make decisions, respond or get influenced by circumstances or people’s opinions. We do not allow the feelings of the flesh, financial limitations or lack of natural ability to factor into how we live and what we do, or don’t do… we live by faith! 

Faith has a voice…

By faith we say how we feel…

“I feel excited, blessed, energetic, anointed and powerful”

By faith we say how things are…

“My circumstances are blessed, I have everything I need and more, I can do all things through Christ, I walk in favor, wisdom and power!”

By faith we say what we have…

“I have an abundance of wealth for every good work, I have supernatural ability in Christ, I have health, strength, wisdom and knowledge”.

Instead of speaking about our problems, our limitations and our aches and pains, we say who we are in Christ, Who Christ is in us, what we have in Christ and what we can do through Christ! Instead of yielding to the feelings of the flesh of fear, depression, despondency, insecurity and frustration, we live by faith! Do you know how people yield to all of that negative stuff? They talk about it… “I feel so frustrated, I feel so despondent, I feel so depressed, I feel so sick”. They SPEAK death over themselves by speaking ABOUT the mountain instead of TO the mountain.

Living by faith is speaking TO problems, living by faith is speaking TO circumstances, speaking TO our bodies, TO our emotions, TO our finances and TO our limitations. When we live by faith, we live by what we say and we say what the Word says about things. After you say something by faith, it will be a matter of time before you see it! - Selah