Today’s devotion is from Romans 14:7

‘For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.’

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You may live on an island, but as a New Covenant believer, you are not an island to yourself…

Self-focus is just another word for selfishness, the more that we focus on me, myself and I, the more unsatisfied, irritated, unfulfilled and restless we will become. God made us to be focused on His calling, the needs of the kingdom and the needs of those that we are called to. The Lord wants your life to be a river, not a swamp… He wants you to live life in the overflow and for your life to be poured out as a continual offering. That’s where the joy is, that’s where the fulfillment is and that is the place of greatest contentment!

Well, what about me?

As you follow the Holy Ghost and as you live your life out of the overflow like a rushing river, as you focus on the needs of others and the calling on your life, the LORD will care for you! He will send angels, He will send people and He, Himself will minister, provide and take care of all of your needs. As you make His kingdom a priority, He will make your needs a priority and blessings will pursue and overtake you! - Selah