Today’s devotion is from 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.


Your mind is a warzone, a battlefield where war is continually waged. The devil is defeated and disarmed, but he continues to try to afflict believers by attempting to deceive them into defeating themselves. The devil tries to convince and influence us to give up and to walk away from God’s best. He is continually attempting to get us to embrace negativity, discouragement, depression, hopelessness, helplessness and other toxic thoughts. These thoughts and lies are not yours… in other words, they do not originate from you; toxic thoughts and deceptive ideas and conclusions are disguised by the devil to seem that they are your own. They are illegally inserted into your mind and you are continually baited to embrace the toxic thoughts and to make them yours. If you embrace these thoughts, ideas, conclusions, attitudes and reasoning’s of darkness as your own and act upon them, you literally defeat yourself and allow God’s best to be stolen from you.

Firstly the bible tells us to cast down arguments that contradict the Word. Arguments like, “I know the Word says you WERE healed by the stripes of Jesus, but if you WERE healed, why do you still feel sick?” I know the Word says that you can lay hands on the sick and they will recover, but that was only for the apostles; I know the Word says that you can do all things through Christ, but you will never be able to do what you are believing for… that is just a pipe dream; I know the Word says that all things work together for your good, BUT it does not really mean all things”. Those lying arguments need to be cast down immediately!  

Secondly the bible tells us to bring EVERY thought [every idea, every conclusion, every attitude]

captive to the anointed One and His anointing. If your thinking does not line up with the Word of the Anointed one and if your thoughts do not carry the anointing on them, take them captive and do not let them run your mind.  

You may start thinking; “this is just too hard”, or, “maybe I should get a divorce”, or “I can’t afford to worship the Lord with my tithe”, or, “It’s just a white lie”… measure every one of those thoughts up against the Word, discern whether the anointing is on any of those thoughts… and when those toxic thoughts do not pass the test, take them captive, bind them and put on the mind of Christ instead!

Toxic thoughts affect your mood, your attitude, your energy, your immune system, your health, your anointing and every area of your life. Toxic thoughts bring depression, disillusion, sadness, hopelessness, offence, rejection, anger, frustration and defeat. Toxic thoughts can destroy the greatest, strongest, most gifted, most anointed, most powerful leaders in the body of Christ and toxic thinking can give place to the devil to steal everything that is important to you. 

Anointed thoughts do exactly the opposite! Anointed thoughts that are in line with the Word impart power, faith and peace. They make room for supernatural ability, supernatural wisdom, supernatural power to get wealth and supernatural miracles in your life. Anointed thoughts precede anointed actions the bare anointed fruit.  

Friend, do not accept every thought as your own, test every thought BEFORE you allow it to linger. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to discern every thought that comes into your mind. In my experience the first thing that happens when a toxic thought comes into my mind is… the anointing over me leaves, then… a sadness comes over me, then… a kind of a grieving feeling comes over me… as I discern this with the help of the Holy Spirit, I immediately deal with those toxic thoughts! As I do the joy comes back, the peace comes back and the anointing comes back. Friend, your mind may be a warzone, but you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus!