Today’s devotion is from Luke 2:40

‘And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.’ 


When you measure according to scriptural standards, Jesus was the most powerful, strongest, most influential, most successful man that has ever lived. Luke 2:40 reveals three of the many keys that attributed to Jesus’ success in life.

Here are the three keys…

1. Jesus was strong in spirit

As we grow strong in spirit, as we walk in the Spirit, and as we allow our strong spirits to follow the Holy Spirit we will begin to walk in the supernatural. The flesh brings death, destruction and failure and depends upon natural ability while our spirits bring life and blessings. Our spirits depend fully on the supernatural ability given in the New Covenant through Christ Jesus. Focus on being on fire for the Lord and being spiritually strong in your relationships, in your business and in every area of your life!

2. Jesus was filled with wisdom

Wisdom is knowledge applied successfully. When God reveals things to some believers, if they do proceed as led by the Spirit and apply that knowledge correctly, the very knowledge they have could hurt them and others. For example, if the Lord shows you something about another person, then without praying about it you go talk to that person or others saying, “God told me”, you could cause huge problems, if in fact, God did not want you to open your mouth, but rather to deal with the matter in prayer. Jesus had wisdom and applied His knowledge in a Spirit led  way, and if we do the same, we will be successful in our relationships, in our business and in every area of your life!

3. The grace of God was upon Jesus

Jesus received grace from the Father and then released that same grace to others! Grace has been given to every believer, but as believers, we need to receive that grace by faith. If we want to succeed in life we then need to start doing everything by grace through faith and not by our works. It is paramount that we receive grace at the throneroom of grace and it is equally important that we operate by grace towards others. Some believers want grace for themselves, but are harsh, legalistic and without grace towards others. Jesus did not only receive grace, He poured out grace wherever He went and you will be successful if you do the same, in your relationships, in your business and in every area of your life!