Today’s devotion is from John 2:5 (TPT)

Mary then went to the servers and told them, “Whatever Jesus tells you, make sure that you do it!” 


There are times when it seems that you may be running low on provisions, times when money is in short supply and bills are stacking up. In times that that, enter into His rest, stay strong in faith, speak to the seeds of giving and tithing that you have in the ground, and most of all… ask Jesus what to do, and then, whatever Jesus tells you, do it!

When the brook dried up, God told Elijah to go live with an impoverished widow woman and her son; then the Lord told the widow woman to give away her last meal and to take care of the Prophet, when she did not even have enough for herself and her son. They all did what the Lord told them to do, and they were all provided for.  

When there was not enough food for the crowds following Jesus, the disciples asked Jesus what to do and He told them to serve one little boys lunch to thousands of hungry people, when they did what He said, everybody was fed and there were 12 baskets full left over. 

I do not claim to always know every reason why lack comes, or why financial tests come, but I do know that if you ask Jesus, He will speak to you through His Word, through the Holy Spirit, or through another believer and He will turn your water into wine. Jesus will make a way, and you will get through this time of challenge with a miracle testimony, in Jesus Name!