Today's devotion is from Hebrews 4:9-10

"There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His."


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The place of rest the writer of Hebrews is literally referring to is the Promised Land… in the book of Hebrews a prophetic word is given to the church using the refusal of the Israelites to enter their promised place of rest as a metaphor for our need as believers to rest in Jesus by faith.

The Children of Israel could not enter into their place of promise because in the natural, crossing over Jordan, facing the giants, the huge wall of Jericho as well as the military might of Jericho was a suicide mission.


The Lord required absolute trust and total faith in Him and His ability before He would allow the children of Israel to cross over to their promise. He did so in part because crossing over while depending on their own ability would have been a disaster, so they COULD NOT cross over because they WOULD NOT put their trust in the Lord.

As with the children of Israel, many believers struggle to let go and let God, they struggle to do things that require faith and trust. They have suffered setbacks, disappointments and failures, and it is a major challenge for them to TRUST again. The good news is that in our New Covenant of GRACE, the Holy Spirit is willing to help each one, and give each one the ABILITY to trust again!

Our Comforter, the Holy Spirit is will in to heal our broken hearts, transform our lives and gently bring us to that place where we can trust again. Entering into His rest does require faith, but Jesus has provided a Covenant of GRACE so that we can once again have faith to enter into His rest!


Father, thank you so much for Your gift of grace. I receive your grace and Your divine ability to enter into my resting place in Jesus!

I know that what You have called me to is bigger than me, but in Christ, I can do all things. I now place my trust in Jesus, I rest in Jesus, and I do mighty exploits in Jesus Name!